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Chola Contravisual

We envision future possibilities through art and collective creation. We are part of a community that aims to create dignified and joyful lives through dreams and partnerships. 
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Who We Are

We are proud Quechua descendant women who are united in challenging structural racism and patriarchy to shape a future that embraces our ancestral heritage and dissent. We lead processes of learning, experimentation, research, and collaborative creation in the visual, sound, and audiovisual arts. We also prioritize care and collective regeneration in our vocation. Through cultural leadership, we amplify narratives and creations that honor the dignity of our struggles. 

Our work is based in Ayacucho, Huancavelica, and Huancayo, in the Andean region of Peru. We have been pioneering innovative experiences of anti-colonial and transfeminist art in collaboration with various artistic networks across Peru and Latin America. Our goal is to ignite profound transformations, foster networks of affection, creativity, and collective action, and promote the autonomy and liberation of women and sexual diversities. Our Andean perspective is at the core of our work, weaving the memory of our ancestors and emphasizing a deep reflection of a life network where all beings can lead dignified and happy existences.

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Work with us

We are an autonomous team driving social transformation through art, ancestral spirituality, and dissident perspectives. We are committed to co-create collaboratively with other rebellious hearts.

Learn about our services


We promote learning, experimentation, and collaborative visual, sound, and audiovisual arts creation. We believe that these community-based processes, grounded in reciprocity, nurture our collectives and foster the autonomy and liberation of women and diversities.

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peruvian girl with purple flower

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